Don Colburn

Don Colburn is a retired newspaper reporter, and a poet. During his journalistic career, he worked for four newspapers, including The Washington Post and The Oregonian, and was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in feature writing. He is the author of five poetry collections, all published after they won or placed in national manuscript competitions —most recently Mortality, with Pronoun Shifts, winner of the 2018 Cathy Smith Bowers Chapbook Contest. His writing honors also include the Discovery/The Nation Award, the Finishing Line Press Poetry Prize, the Cider Press Review Book Award, and fellowships at The McDowell Colony and Yaddo, He is a former board member of Friends of William Stafford.

Author's Entries

  • Ben Hur Lampman (1886-1954)

    Ben Hur Lampman, one of Oregon’s most popular writers in the first half of the twentieth century, was a longtime columnist for the Oregonian. His prolific writing, however, ranged beyond daily journalism into magazine fiction, poetry, a novel, and several nonfiction books. Oregonian editor Edgar B. Piper called Lampman …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Madeline DeFrees (1919-2015)

    Madeline DeFrees is an Oregon native and former nun whose poetry explores the borderlands between the religious and secular worlds and the complicated intersections of private and public lives. She has published two chapbooks and eight full-length collections of poems, along with two autobiographical books of nonfiction. She also has taught widely …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Mary Carolyn Davies (1888-1940?)

    Mary Carolyn Davies was a prolific Oregon writer whose promising literary career dissolved in something of a mystery after she moved to New York in the late 1930s. Best known for her lyric poems and children’s verse, Davies also wrote a novel, short stories, and several one-act plays. Reviewers compared …

    Oregon Encyclopedia