Jerry Garcia

Jerry Garcia was born and raised in the state of Washington. He is a first generation college student. Dr. Garcia received his doctorate from Washington State University and had academic appointments with Iowa State University, Michigan State University, and is the former Director of Chicano Studies and the College Assistance Migrant Program at Eastern Washington University. Dr. Garcia’s research focus is on Chicano History, Asians in the Americas, immigration, empire, masculinity, and race in the Americas. He has published four books and over 15 articles in various books and journals.  

Author's Entries

  • Bracero Program

    The Mexican Farm Labor Program, also known as the Bracero Program, was the result of a series of agreements between Mexico and the United States in response to the demand for agricultural labor during World War II. Created by a presidential executive order in 1942, the program contracted with nearly …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Latinos in Oregon (essay)

    The arrival of Latinos in Oregon began with Spanish explorations in the sixteenth century. In 1542-1543, Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, sailing from the port of Navidad in Mexico, reached what is today the California-Oregon state line. Explorations by Spaniards continued with Sebastián Vizcaíno’s arrival on the Oregon Coast in 1602-1603. One …

    Oregon Encyclopedia