Melvin Aikens

Melvin Aikens is a Professor Emeritus of the University of Oregon, where he taught North American, South American, and East Asian archaeology (1969 -2000), in the Department of Anthropology and served as Director of the UO Museum of Natural and Cultural History (1996-2005). His academic training includes a BA (University of Utah 1960), MA (University of Chicago, 1962), and PhD (University of Chicago, 1966). His personal research has centered on the American Southwest and Great Basin, and on Japan /Northeast Asia. He is the author or co-author of sixteen archaeological books and monographs, and author of more than 100 book chapters, journal articles, reviews, notes and comments.

Author's Entries

  • Dirty Shame Rockshelter

    Dirty Shame Rockshelter, in the Owyhee Uplands of southeastern Oregon, was named for the fact that its exceptionally valuable prehistoric deposit was heavily pillaged by artifact collectors before the site was brought to the attention of University of Oregon archaeologists, who then undertook scientific excavation. The site nevertheless preserved, in a limited …

    Oregon Encyclopedia