Harry H. Stein

Harry H. Stein is an independent scholar, consulting historian and former college professor. He has written Gus J. Solomon: Liberal Politics, Jews, and the Federal Courts (2006), collaborated on Merchants, Money and Power: The Portland Establishment, 1843-1913 (1988), co-edited Muckraking: Past, Present and Future (1973), and authored pictorial histories of Portland and Salem, corporate histories and historical articles on Lincoln Steffens, muckraking, the Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, and other subjects. He is currently writing a history of the Oregonian.

Author's Entries

  • Gus J. Solomon (1906–1987)

    Gus J. Solomon, the longest-serving federal judge in Oregon history, was the Portland-born child of newly wealthy immigrant East European Jews. He was crucially shaped by their communal traditions and immigrant neighborhood and by the pressures on his family and neighbors to assimilate and be model citizens. Solomon emerged in …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Henry Lewis Pittock (1836-1919)

    Henry Lewis Pittock, longtime publisher of the Portland Oregonian, was born on March 1, 1836, in London, England, and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. As a boy, he learned printing in the family's printing firm and studied at the Western University of Pennsylvania’s preparatory school. On arriving in Oregon in …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • The Oregonian

    The Oregonian, the oldest newspaper in continuous production west of Salt Lake City, Utah, began as the Weekly Oregonian on December 4, 1850. Thomas J. Dryer had been recruited to start the town’s first paper because of his politics. His paper, like the future daily, was a cultivator of …

    Oregon Encyclopedia