Judy Chapman

Judith A. Chapman (M.A., Oregon State University) is an archaeologist and architectural historian with Archaeological Investigation Northwest in Portland, where she has authored and coauthored hundreds of cultural resource compliance reports. She is the coauthor of Molalla (2008) and Scotts Mills: A Pictorial History (2012) and has written several articles and pamphlets on architectural history. A fourth-generation Oregonian with Oregon Trail ancestors, she lives on a historic farm in Clackamas County.

Author's Entries

  • Ambleside Summer Homes Tract

    Ambleside Summer Homes Tract, located on Johnson Creek near Gresham, was established in 1919 by a group of wealthy businessmen looking for a summer retreat. For decades, the painstakingly maintained development, about twenty miles from Portland, served as a retreat for prominent city leaders. Ambleside is now part of …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Beaver Army Terminal Dock

    The Beaver Ammunition Storage Point Depot (BASP) was located at Port Westward on the south bank of the Columbia River, near Clatskanie. The terminal and a large wooden dock and railroad trestle were built in early 1942. The large military storage facility was a shipping point for transloading ammunition during …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Colwood Golf Course

    Colwood National Golf Course in Northeast Portland, originally named Meadowbrook Golf Course, was established as an eighteen-hole private course in 1930. The growth of golf between 1910 and 1930 was unparalleled in American outdoor sports, and there had been a significant increase in the number of weekend golfers in the …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Willamette Mission

    Willamette Mission was the first noncommercial agricultural community established in the Willamette Valley by American resettlers, in 1834. The mission became a beachhead for the first political and economic organized activities by Americans in the Oregon Country, and its legacy proved important in the eventual location of the …

    Oregon Encyclopedia