Dick & Judy Wagner

Judith (Judy) Wagner and Richard (Dick) Wagner have lived in North Bend on Coos Bay since 1981. Jointly, they have authored two English pottery books, Adams Ceramics: Staffordshire Pots and Potters 1779-1998 (with David Furniss) and Frank Beardmore: A Potter’s Tale. They have produced two North Bend picture histories and two biographies of prominent bay area citizens, Louis Jerome Simpson and Lorenzo Dow Kinney.

Author's Entries

  • City of North Bend

    The City of North Bend is located on about five square miles at the north bend of the Coos Bay, bounded by the bay and the City of Coos Bay. Before European contact, ancestors of the Coos Indians lived around the temperate bay for nearly ten thousand years. Trappers, traders, …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Louis J. Simpson (1877-1949)

    Louis Jerome Simpson was a civic-minded Oregonian who served the south coast, the state, and the nation in his active years as builder and advocate. He worked vigorously to bring railroad service to the Coos Bay area, accomplished in 1916, and traveled the West Coast during World War I to …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Western Shore (a.k.a. Oregon Clipper)

    Oregon's most famous sailing ship was the Western Shore, the only clipper ever built in the state. Captain Asa Meade Simpson and his brother, Captain Robert W. Simpson, designed the ship and had a 50 percent ownership interest in it. In 1874, master shipbuilder John Kruse built the clipper at …

    Oregon Encyclopedia