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1710 results
  • North Fork Dam and Powerhouse

    The North Fork Dam and Powerhouse, owned and operated by Portland General Electric (PGE), is the newest and largest of the hydroelectric generation projects on …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • North Fork Fish Ladder

    At two miles in length, the North Fork Fish Ladder on the Clackamas River is among the longest such features in the world. Built as …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • North Fork John Day River

    Flowing 113 miles westward from the Blue Mountains, the North Fork John Day River drains a 1,850-square-mile section of north-central Oregon. Included in the Oregon …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • North Palestine Baptist Church (Benton County)

    Modest country churches are rare on the twenty-first century Oregon landscape. The North Palestine Baptist Church in Adair Village, built in about 1883 and listed in …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Northwest Christian University

    Northwest Christian University (NCU) was founded in Eugene in 1895 by Eugene C. Sanderson, a preacher and educator in the Christian Church. He served as …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • North West Company

    First organized in 1779 by a small group of Canadian fur traders based in Montreal, the North West Company dominated the North American fur trade …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Northwest Power Act (1980)

    In 1980, after four years of deliberation and several attempts, Congress passed a law intended to ensure low-cost electricity to Northwest ratepayers from federal dams …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Nutria

    Nutria, a large, semi-aquatic rodent native to South America, were brought to the United States for their fur in the 1880s. They were introduced to …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Oaks Bottom

    Oaks Bottom, Portland’s first urban wildlife refuge, is located on the east bank of the Willamette River opposite the upstream tip of Ross Island. More …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Obo Addy (1936-2012)

    Obo Addy, a celebrated Ghanian drummer and dancer, lived in Portland for over thirty years and taught at Lewis & Clark College. Addy helped …

    Oregon Encyclopedia