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1710 results
  • Russel Farnham (1785-1832)

    Russel Farnham, an American adventurer, explorer, and fur trader, was sent by John Jacob Astor in 1811 to establish Fort Astoria, the first United …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Russell Sadler (1942-)

    For more than thirty years, Russell Sadler’s commentaries were heard on radio and television stations across Oregon, southwest Washington, and northern California. His weekly columns …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Ruth Dennis Grover (1912-2003)

    Ruth Grover was an artist and arts educator who in the course of her sixty-year career promoted the development of the art scene on the …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Rutherford B. Hayes's visit to Oregon, 1880

    In September and October 1880, Rutherford B. Hayes (1822-1893) became the first sitting United States president to visit Oregon. Four years earlier, Hayes had accepted …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • S. John Trudeau (1927-2008)

    Simeon John Trudeau Jr. was a major contributor to the musical life and culture of twentieth-century Oregon. A musician, conductor, and teacher, he was a …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • S.S. Star of Oregon

    The S.S. Star of Oregon was among the first three Liberty Ships built in the United States and the first launched by Henry J. Kaiser’s …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Sacagawea

    Sacagawea was a member of the Agaideka (Lemhi) Shoshone, who lived in the upper Salmon River Basin in present-day Idaho. In about 1800, she was …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Sagebrush Symphony

    The Sagebrush Symphony Orchestra of Harney County was a bright spot of musical education for rural children in southeastern Oregon in the years before World …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Salal

    Both Meriwether Lewis and William Clark wrote about salal (Gaultheria shallon), which they first encountered on the Oregon coast near Astoria in 1806. They noted …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Salem's Colored School and Little Central

    The first school open to African American students in Oregon—referred to as the Colored School—was founded in March 1867 by African American residents in Salem. …

    Oregon Encyclopedia