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1710 results
  • Warren Vaughn (1823-1907)

    Born in Stuben County, New York, in 1823, Warren Nicholas Vaughn first heard about Tillamook, Oregon Territory, in the fall of 1851 from a friend …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Warrior Point

    Warrior Point, on the north end of Sauvie Island in the Columbia River about fifteen river miles downstream from the mouth of the Willamette River, …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Wascopam Mission

    Wascopam Mission, which operated at The Dalles from 1838 to 1847, was the most successful of the early Methodist missions to Oregon Indians, recording more …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Washington County Museum

    The Washington County Museum (WCM) is one of the oldest historical institutions in Washington County. An independent nonprofit organization, the WCM collects, preserves, and exhibits …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Wayne Morse (1900-1974)

    Wayne Morse and the Vietnam War: the name and the conflict will be forever linked in American history. Not only did Morse, senator from Oregon, …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • West coast waterfront strike of 1934

    "The most devastating work stoppage in Oregon's history" lasted 82 days, paralyzed commerce, and laid off 50,000 Oregonians. It also established one of the nation's …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • West Linn streetcar system

    The Willamette Falls Railway was built by the Portland General Electric Company (PGE) in 1893 to carry employees from the town of Willamette to its …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • West Union Baptist Church (Washington County)

    The West Union Baptist Church, established in 1853, is one of the earliest surviving examples of a pioneer-era church in Oregon. Located in the unincorporated …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Western hemlock

    Western hemlock, or Alaska-spruce (Tsuga heterophylla), is a common conifer that grows in the cool, moist forests of northwest Oregon. Tsuga is the …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Western larch

    Western Larch(Larix occidentalis) often goes unnoticed much of the year. In the fall, in mixed stands with other conifers or growing together, larches …

    Oregon Encyclopedia