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1710 results
  • Mary Frances Isom (1865-1920)

    Mary Frances Isom, perhaps Oregon's most remarkable librarian, transformed the Library Association of Portland from an insular organization with limited impact into a major community …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Mary Gysin Leonard (1845?-1912)

    In 1886, Mary Gysin Leonard was the first woman admitted to the bar in Oregon, at a time when women had not yet been granted …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Mary Margaret Goodin Fritsch (1899-1993)

    Margaret Goodin Fritsch was the first woman to graduate from the University of Oregon’s School of Architecture, receiving her degree in 1923. Three years later, …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Mary Perry Stone (1909-2007)

    Over the course of her ninety-eight years, artist Mary Perry Stone tirelessly combated war and injustice. Her weapons were the stroke of a paintbrush and …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Mary Priscilla Avery Sawtelle (1835-1894)

    Mary Sawtelle, one of the first women in Oregon to earn a medical degree, was born in New York in 1835, the daughter of Benjamin …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Mary Stillwell (1862-1947)

    Mary Stillwell established the first Salvation Army corps in Portland in 1886. Her work led to the opening of the first headquarters for the organization …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • M & A Shogren

      The dressmaking business of M & A Shogren was Portland’s haute couture house during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Sisters May and …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Matal v. Tam (2017)

    The U.S. Supreme Court case, Matal v. Tam (2017), was one of the most critical First Amendment cases of the early twenty-first century. The court’s …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Matthew Deady (1824-1893)

    Matthew Paul Deady was a lawyer, politician, and judge in the Oregon Territory. When Oregon became a state in 1859, Deady was named Oregon's first …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Mattie Cone Sleeth (1852-1934)

    Mattie Cone Sleeth was a significant force for change in Oregon during the early decades of the twentieth century. A devoted minister’s wife, she arrived …

    Oregon Encyclopedia